With fall just around the corner, seasonal allergies are going to become more common. In order to get out and enjoy all of the outside activities that come with fall — like hayrack rides, pumpkin picking, and corn mazes — you want to make sure you can find different ways to manage the symptoms caused by your allergies.

Read through some of our tips so your sneezes and runny nose won’t keep you inside this fall. If you need to meet with a provider about your allergies, schedule an appointment with our osteopathic family practice providers at Healthstar Physicians Family Medicine in Newport. Just call us to schedule an appointment today!


There is nothing worse than watery eyes and stuffy noses — especially when your allergies are the culprit. If you suffer from seasonal fall allergies, read through some of our tricks to help keep your allergies under control, and get the most out of fall!

Follow the Pollen Levels

Did you know that you can check the pollen levels in your area? If the pollen levels are high, spending the day inside can help reduce your fall allergies. This will reduce your exposure to that pollen and make it easier to enjoy the outdoors on days when the pollen levels are lower.

Use a Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier is a great option if you’re sensitive to dust or mold, in addition to your fall allergies. A dehumidifier works to keep the humidity levels in your home low, along with reducing the irritations to your respiratory system and skin. This is a great way to make sure that the irritants in your home are not making your allergies worse.

Protect Yourself

Find ways to protect your skin — especially your face — from possible irritants. This means that if you’re planning on doing any yard work outside, opt for long sleeves and be sure to cover your nose and mouth so you’re not breathing in any unnecessary pollen. This is also a good rule if you know that you’re going to be in a dustier area or exposed to more pollen. For example, if you’re spending the day in a pumpkin patch, think about wearing long pants and covering your mouth when it gets dusty or windy.

Try Medications

There are different types of regular and over-the-counter allergy medicines you can try. If you’ve never tried allergy medication, this might be a good place for you to start. Beyond that, you can talk to your provider or pharmacist about suggestions for allergy medications that might help relieve the symptoms that are causing you the most problems.

Visit Your Doctor

If nothing you do provides you relief from your fall allergies, then you should schedule an appointment with your family practice doctor. There are certain allergy medications they can prescribe that might work even if other medications didn’t. Beyond that, they can recommend allergy testing and other treatment options to find you relief from your allergies.


We hope our tips help you find relief from allergies this fall. If you’re ready to meet with a provider about your allergies, our osteopathic family practice at Healthstar Physicians Family Medicine in Newport are here to help. Just call our office to schedule an appointment!

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